Honors Theses

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis


Electrical Engineering

First Advisor

Matthew Morrison

Relational Format



The Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are formed by a broker/server, a few gateways and a large numbers of Sensor/Actuator (SA) devices, which are battery-operated and able to collect information about their environment, storage a small amount of data and transfer those data to the gateways for further operations. In this paper, two potential high performance protocols that could be implemented for WSNs are studied. These two protocols are MQTT-SN and CoAP protocols and their performances of time efficiency and power efficiency are mainly discussed and studied. A set of principles and designed experiments for both protocols are presented. The simulation results are generated and MQTT-SN protocol shows a better performance in time efficiency of transmitting data comparing to CoAP protocol. Additionally, the experiment on Power Consumption of MQTT-SN protocol and CoAP need to be improved and re-preformed before the more power-efficient protocol can be decided.

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