
Lonnie Burt



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Lonnie Burt recently retired as the Senior Food & Child Nutrition Services Director for the Hartford Public Schools where she oversaw the school meal program, including Breakfast, Lunch, Afterschool Snacks, At-Risk Supper, Summer Feeding and the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program Grant. She has worked in Child Nutrition for the nearly 35 years and has been in Hartford since 2004. Lonnie also works as an Adjunct Professor for Manchester Community College where she teaches classes in Nutrition, Human Resources, and Food Service Safety and Sanitation for the Hospitality Program. Lonnie is a Registered Dietitian who earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Dietetics from Saint Joseph College and a Master’s Degree in Allied Health from the University of Connecticut. Lonnie is a past President of SNACT (2015-2016) and is currently a member of the Child Nutrition Committee. Previous positions include Education Chair, Personnel Chair, and Marketing Chair.

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Hartford, CT


Child Nutrition, School Feeding


Food Science | Other Education | Teacher Education and Professional Development

Lonnie Burt



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