ICSB schedule and documents | National Center for Natural Products Research | University of Mississippi

Oxford ICSB


The focus of the 23rd annual Oxford International Conference on the Science of Botanicals (ICSB) meeting is to discuss approaches for post market surveillance, risk and safety assessment, quality control and adverse event reporting (AER) for botanical dietary supplements (BDS) and natural products, as well as regulatory aspects with perspectives from government, manufacturers and trade associations. To this end, the program will include relevant presentations from members of CFSAN/FDA, government officials, major trade associations and industry representatives discussing pressing topics that affect BDSs and their impact on consumers.

The 23rd ICSB is scheduled for April 7th through April 10th 2025. More information can be found at The Oxford ICSB Website.

Browse the contents of Oxford ICSB:

2024 International Conference on the Science of Botanicals
Annual International Conference on the Science of Botanicals
2023 International Conference on the Science of Botanicals
2019 International Conference on the Science of Botanicals