Volume 64, Issue 3 (1937)
Complete Issue
Journal of accountancy, September 1937, Vol. 64 issue 3 [whole issue]
American Institute of Accountants
Notes of the Month
American Institute of Accountants
Brief Note on Seasonal Variation
Arne Fisher
Audit Reports and the Banks
Harry E. Taylor
V. R. Kingsley, Maurice E. Peloubet, Arthur S. Little, Harold R. Caffyn, and Charles J. Harcourt
Accounting Questions: Expense and Capital Determined from Poorly Kept Records; Income Taxes in Corporation Reports
American Institute of Accountants. Bureau of Information
William D. Cranstoun
Legal Notes
Harold Dudley Greeley
Book Reviews
Walter Mucklow and Earl A. Saliers
Current Literature
American Institute of Accountants. Library
Authors of Articles in this Issue
American Institute of Accountants