Volume 65, Issue 6 (1938)
Complete Issue
Journal of accountancy, June 1938, Vol. 65 issue 6 [whole issue from bound volume]
American Institute of Accountants
Dealings in Treasury Stock We Call It Capital—The Courts Call It Income
Robert H. Montgomery
Accounting Problems under the Robinson-Patman Act
Robert E. Freer
Civil Liabilities of Accountants under the Securities Act
Wyley Daniel Rich
Notes of the Month
American Institute of Accountants
Correspondence: Valuation of Water Utility Assets; Students' Department
Charles T. Sweeney and Walter K. Mott
Accounting Questions: Real estate on Proprietorship Balance-Sheet; Accounting for Underwriting and Registration Expenses
American Institute of Accountants. Bureau of Information
William D. Cranstoun
Legal Notes: Estate Tax, Deduction for Charity, Continued
Harold Dudley Greeley
Students’ Department
H. P. Baumann
Book Reviews
James L. Dohr and Thomas A. Williams
Current Literature
American Institute of Accountants. Library
Examinations, November 18 and 19, 1938
American Institute of Accountants. Board of Examiners
Journal of Accountancy, Vol. 65, January-June 1938. Index
American Institute of Accountants