Volume 69, Issue 1 (1940)
Complete Issue
Journal of accountancy, January 1940, Vol. 69 issue 1 [whole issue]
American Institute of Accountants
Extensions of Auditing Procedure
Victor H. Stempf
Financial Statements for Investors
William W. Werntz
Integration of Income and Surplus Statements
A. C. Littleton
Preparing for the Auditor
C. W. Snider
Notes of the Month
American Institute of Accountants
Henry Rand Hatfield, George O. May, L. B. Wilkins, and J. Edwin Hanson
Accounting Questions: Apportioning Income on F.H.A. Loans
American Institute of Accountants. Bureau of Information
William D. Cranstoun
This Blessed Language
A. P. Richardson
Institute Examination in Law
Spencer Gordon
Book Reviews
W. H. Lawton and H. K. Allen
Current Literature
American Institute of Accountants. Library
Findings and Opinions: Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Release No. 2325, Findings and Opinion of the Commission in the Matter of Missouri Pacific Railroad Company
United States. Securities and Exchange Commission
Authors of Articles in this Issue
American Institute of Accountants