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01.1 Podcast, Episode 1: Leaving the Mountain

01.1 Podcast, Episode 1: Leaving the Mountain


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In this first segment, “Leaving the Mountain,” we’ll hear from Lebanese Mississippians Marie Antoon, Dave Sherman, Keith Fulcher, Al Katool, Mary Anne Lefoldt, Teresa Nicholas, Mary Louise Nosser, and Samir Husni. We begin with the question, “Why did your family emigrate from Syria?” and we’ll hear the stories that have informed their understanding of why their ancestors left the Middle East and traveled by sea to places across the globe that they knew little about and to places they had never before been.


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audio recording


Additional files include transcript and captions (SRT file).

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Audio or Video Captioning, Searchable text

01.1 Podcast, Episode 1: Leaving the Mountain
