Event Type



Classroom 106D

Start Date

11-12-2023 9:00 AM


Learn how to tackle your next weeding project with suggestions for “do’s and don’ts” in a time of censorship with Elizabeth Simmons, Instructional Materials and Library Media Director from the Office of Elementary Education and Reading at the Mississippi Department of Education, and Erica Jones, Oxford Early Childhood Center Librarian.

Relational Format

conference proceeding


Additional files include presentation slides and presenter CVs.

2023 Weeding PPT.pptx (4278 kB)
Presentation Slides

slide_notes.pdf (111 kB)
Notes for Slides

E Jones Resume.pdf (44 kB)
Presenter 1 CV

Elizabeth Simmons CV 2023.pdf (813 kB)
Presenter 2 CV

Elizabeth Simmons and Erica Jones.jpg (3400 kB)
Photo of presenters

Accessibility Status

Searchable text


Dec 11th, 9:00 AM

Weeding Do's and Don'ts (Concurrent Session, Block A)

Classroom 106D

Learn how to tackle your next weeding project with suggestions for “do’s and don’ts” in a time of censorship with Elizabeth Simmons, Instructional Materials and Library Media Director from the Office of Elementary Education and Reading at the Mississippi Department of Education, and Erica Jones, Oxford Early Childhood Center Librarian.


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