Liberal Arts Faculty Books

Teachers versus the Public: What Americans Think About Schools and How to Fix Them
A comprehensive exploration of 21st Century school politics, Teachers versus the Public offers the first comparison of the education policy views of both teachers and the public as a whole, and reveals a deep, broad divide between the opinions held by citizens and those who teach in the public schools. The book provides the first experimental study of public and teacher opinion. Using a recently developed research strategy, the authors ask differently worded questions about the same topic to randomly chosen segments of representative groups of citizens. This approach allows them to identify the impact on public opinion of new information on issues such as student performance and school expenditures in each respondent’s community. The changes in public opinion when citizens receive information about school performance are largest in districts that perform below the national average. Altogether, the results indicate that support for many school reforms would increase if common core state standards were established and implemented in such a way as to inform the public about the quality of their local schools. These and many other findings illuminate the distance between teacher opinions and those of the public at large.
Publication Date
Relational Format
Political Science
Brookings Institution
Education Policy
Recommended Citation
Peterson, Paul E.; West, Martin R.; and Henderson, Michael, "Teachers versus the Public: What Americans Think About Schools and How to Fix Them" (2014). Liberal Arts Faculty Books. 63.