Capitol Quarterly with Senator Trent Lott

Other Form of Name

Lott, Trent, 1941-



Creation Date


Document Type

Open Access Recording


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Capitol Quarterly with Senator Trent Lott which is a call-in program moderated by Kelly Johnston. Topics discussed include: congressional agenda; Kennedy Education bill; the economy; federal deficit; availability of health care and the rising cost of health insurance preminums; Social Security benefits; tax credits for auto and home purchases; defense spending cuts and the effect on Mississippi; testimony of Lane Kirkland before the Senate Budget Committee; consumer spending; national security; rising cost of higher education and possible cuts to federal student aid; federal funding to Mississippi; crime bill; NASA plant at Iuka, Mississippi; Desert Storm and the failure to oust Sadham Hussien from control of Iraq; food stamp support for the disabled; President George Bush's recent trip to Japan; Japanese-U.S. trade; election of Kirk Fordice in Mississippi; U.S. aid to Isreal and Middle East peace; and the federal prison system.

Subject Headings (Library of Congress)

United States. Congress; Economics; Defense spending; Budget deficits; Investment of public funds; Education; Medical care; Operation Desert Shield, 1990-1991; Mississippi;

Relational Format

video recording



Original Format


Original Collection

Trent Lott Collection (MUM00656). Archives and Special Collections. University of Mississippi Libraries.


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