Department of Mathematics, University of Mississippi | University of Mississippi Research | eGrove



The Department of Mathematics has been a part of the University of Mississippi since the university opened its doors in 1848. At that time, the School of Mathematics, as it was called, patterned its mode of instruction after that of the United States Military Academy in West Point, New York. Students were required to have nothing beyond a grasp of arithmetic to be admitted as freshmen. The curriculum stressed geometry and trigonometry. Calculus, now considered a freshman and sophomore course, was taken during the senior year.

From its modest beginning in 1848, the department has evolved into a modern one emphasizing quality instruction in a research environment. The goal is to give every student, from freshmen enrolled in college algebra, to students in business calculus, to doctoral candidates, the firm foundation in mathematics that is necessary for success in today’s rapidly changing world. It is a department aware of the importance of both theory and applications, as it looks forward to further advancement in future.

Photo by Robert Jordan/Ole Miss Communications


Browse the Mathematics Collections:

AMS-AWM Student Research Symposium

Dalrymple Lecture Series

Faculty and Student Publications

Mathematics News Archive

Mathematics Theses and Dissertations

NSF-CBMS Conference: L-functions and Multiplicative Number Theory
