Oral History Interviews

Davidson, Glen

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The Hon. Glen H. Davidson, a Senior United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Mississippi, speaks to his relationship with the artist MB Mayfield, focusing on his memories from growing up in Ecru and knowing the Mayfield family to the time he reconnected with Mayfield almost 40 years later.

Relational Format

audio recording


Additional files include:

  1. data sheet
  2. interview transcript
  3. photo of Davidson
  4. Handwritten letter from Senator Thad Cochran to Glenn Davidson, 10 October 1998 [facsimile]
  5. Handwritten letter from M. B. Mayfield to Glen Davidson, 30 September 1998 (facsimile)
  6. Printed program from University of Mississippi School of Law's Sherman L. Muths, Jr. Lecture Series in Law, Spring 2007, in which Davidson was the invited speaker.
  7. Letter from Hon. Glen H. Davidson to commend the "life and contributions" of M. B. Mayfield, 20 August 1998

Davidson, Glen (Data Sheet).pdf (166 kB)
Davidson, Glenn (Interview Transcript).pdf (209 kB)
Davidson, Glenn (Document 1).pdf (38 kB)
Letter from Thad Cochran to Davidson

Davidson, Glenn (Document 2).pdf (95 kB)
Letter from M. B. Mayfield to Davidson

Davidson, Glenn (Document 3).pdf (154 kB)
Program from UM Law Speaker Series

Davidson, Glenn (Document 4).pdf (75 kB)
Davidson's letter of commendation for Mayfield

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