Management Advisory Services Forum
William E. Arnstein, Philip L. Blumenthal, Roy A. Lindberg, Arthur B. Toan Jr., H. G. Trentin, and Allen Weiss
People, Events, Techniques
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
Improving Financial Information Systems for University Management
William L. Kendig and Robert A. Levy
Managing a Racetrack the Modern Way
Howard J. Oboler
USERS: A Computer Program for Voluntary Social Agencies
Thomas L. Bransford
New Frontier for Consultants?
Louise H. Dratler
Gambler's Ruin Model as an Aid in Capital Budgeting Decisions
James A. Knoblett
What People Are Writing About
Wesley E. Flanagan, Terry E. London, Philip L. Kintzele, James H. Scheiner, and William Robert Smith
Management Adviser, Volume 10, Number 2, March-April 1973 (Whole Issue)
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants