Neuroscience Research Showcase

Influences of Dietary Enrichment in Juvenile and Adult Male Zebra Finch <em>(Taeniopygia Castanotis)</em> on Cheek Patch Growth and Color

Influences of Dietary Enrichment in Juvenile and Adult Male Zebra Finch (Taeniopygia Castanotis) on Cheek Patch Growth and Color



Zebra finches (ZF) are sexually dimorphic. In captive ZFs, enriched diets increase cheek area and alter color, increasing adult male attractiveness. In the wild, breeding and brooding occur when proteinaceous seeds available. Our experiment tests whether supplemental egg food benefits captive non-breeding adults and juveniles.Pre-experiment, adults fed eggs, cuttlebone & bread 2x week. Other facets of our experiment showed enriched diet led to decreased reactive CORT levels and increased body mass, with the largest increase in females.

All authors are affiliated with the University of Mississippi Department of Biology and Neuroscience Minor.

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Influences of Dietary Enrichment in Juvenile and Adult Male Zebra Finch <em>(Taeniopygia Castanotis)</em> on Cheek Patch Growth and Color
