Not All Open Access Is The Same: An Introduction to Predatory Publishing and How to Avoid It


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J. D. Williams Library, Room 106-D; Zoom

Start Date

26-10-2021 12:00 PM


This session, designed for graduate students and pre-tenure faculty, helps researchers identify predatory publishers.

Relational Format



This was a hybrid event. Registration was required for online access.

Additional files include a transcription in multiple formats.

Predatory Publishing.pdf (5110 kB)
Presentation slides

Not All Open Access is the Same_ (54 kB)
Transcript, SRT file

Not All Open Access is the Same_transcript.docx (34 kB)
Transcript, DOCX file

Not All Open Access is the Same_transcript.htm (46 kB)
Transcript, HTML file

This document is currently not available here.


Oct 26th, 12:00 PM

Not All Open Access Is The Same: An Introduction to Predatory Publishing and How to Avoid It

J. D. Williams Library, Room 106-D; Zoom

This session, designed for graduate students and pre-tenure faculty, helps researchers identify predatory publishers.