Philosophy and Religion

Philosophy and Religion


The Department of Philosophy and Religion at the University of Mississippi offers students an opportunity to confront many of life’s most profound and enduring questions using clear and critical thinking.

Philosophy students learn how to challenge assumptions using rational and civil inquiry through analysis of complex problems and construction of logical arguments.

Religion Studies students aim to understand the world's religions sympathetically yet critically, and to explore the phenomenon of religion itself as a prominent component of human life and culture. At UM, the term “Religious Studies” refers to the academic study of religion, a discipline very different from religious education in churches, synagogues, temple or other religious institutions.

Photo by Kevin Bain/University Communications Photography


Browse the Philosophy and Religion Collections:

Dialogue Initiative

Faculty and Student Publications

Faculty Books

Philosophy and Religion News Archive

Society for Ethics Across the Curriculum Conference

Society for Social and Conceptual Issues in Astrobiology (SSoCIA) Conference

Theses in Philosophy and Religion