1984: Religion in the South

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Wednesday, October 3rd
8:00 PM

The South and American Religious History

Edwin S. Gaustad, University of California, Riverside

Ole Miss Union Ballroom

8:00 PM

Thursday, October 4th
9:30 AM

The Evangelical Protestant Tradition

John B. Boles, Rice University

Ole Miss Union Ballroom

9:30 AM

2:30 PM

Religious Pluralism: Catholics, Jews, and Sectarians

David E. Harrell, University of Arkansas

Ole Miss Union Ballroom

2:30 PM

4:30 PM


Conference Attendees

Center for the Study of Southern Culture

4:30 PM

8:00 PM

The Black Religious Tradition

C. Eric Lincoln, Duke University

Ole Miss Union Ballroom

8:00 PM

Friday, October 5th
10:00 AM

Religion and Social Reform

J. Wayne Flynt, Auburn University

Ole Miss Union Ballroom

10:00 AM

2:00 PM

Religion and Politics

Samuel S. Hill Jr., University of Florida

Ole Miss Union Ballroom

2:00 PM