Session 4: Prophetic Women in the Modern Era

Document Type



Jackson Avenue Center

Start Date

14-9-2024 10:00 AM

End Date

14-9-2024 11:30 AM


  • Commentator Gail Tapscott (Harvard MDiv and Unitarian Universalist Minister)
  • Michael E. O’Sullivan, Modulating Prophecy: Therese Neuman and Female Prophecy in Twentieth-Century Germany (Marist College)
  • Emily Suzanne Johnson, Political Prophecies and Maternal Concerns: Conservative Christian Women in the Late-Twentieth Century United States (Ball State University)

Relational Format

Conference proceeding

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Sep 14th, 10:00 AM Sep 14th, 11:30 AM

Session 4: Prophetic Women in the Modern Era

Jackson Avenue Center

  • Commentator Gail Tapscott (Harvard MDiv and Unitarian Universalist Minister)
  • Michael E. O’Sullivan, Modulating Prophecy: Therese Neuman and Female Prophecy in Twentieth-Century Germany (Marist College)
  • Emily Suzanne Johnson, Political Prophecies and Maternal Concerns: Conservative Christian Women in the Late-Twentieth Century United States (Ball State University)