Psychology News Archive
UM Names First Research Scholar for Institutional Transformation, Shea Stewart
Overlooking Subtraction, Shea Stewart
The Dark Doesn't Hide It, Shea Stewart
Two Faculty Members Appointed as Distinguished Professors, Shea Stewart
Finding Meaning and Resilience Six Months into the Pandemic, Kathryn Albritton
University Honors Three with Frist Awards, Mitchell Diggs
Preventing Panic in Preschoolers, Abigail Meisel
Psychology Professor Honored with Elsie M. Hood Teaching Award, Abigail Meisel
Staying Positive During a Pandemic, Abigail Meisel
Glowing Reviews Land Elsie Hood Award for Student Favorite, Michael Newsom
Liberal Arts Dean Named Fellow in Society of Behavioral Medicine, Edwin B. Smith
Psychology Professor Wins UM Graduate Teaching and Mentoring Award, Michael Newsom
Three Receive UM College of Liberal Arts Teaching Honors, Edwin Smith
UM Faculty Member to Discuss Memory Research in Copenhagen, Christina Steube
UM Professor Shares His 'A' Game, Bill Dabney
Recent UM Graduate Awarded Prestigious Health Fellowship, Mackenzie Quick
UM Study Affirms Treating Insomnia May Ease Migraines, Christina Steube
Students Present Range of Studies at Neuroscience Research Showcase, Michael Newsom
A Decade Later, Katrina Evokes Strong Memories, Christina Steube
Kenneth Sufka is Carnegie-CASE Professor of the Year, Edwin Smith
Psychology Professor Wins Fulbright Grant to Sub-Saharan Africa, Lindsey Abernathy
Psychology Major Credits UM Honors College With Giving Her Confidence for Harvard, Rebecca Lauck Cleary