Queer Mississippi (Complete Collection)

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Jackson (Miss.)


Larrison Campbell discusses her experiences in the South and in the professional world of journalism as a lesbian. She discusses growing up in Greenville, Mississippi and how the conservative social environment led her to leave in eighth grade for a boarding school in Massachusetts. She then talks about realizing she was gay in the ninth grade and the struggles that came with not fitting into “normal” gender roles, both in queer and non queer contexts. She also discusses how the lack of a queer community until after college impacted her ability to accept herself and thrive as a lesbian. She then discusses her time working in the television industry in New York and then moving to Los Angeles. She then talks about her first marriage and how having twins facilitated her move back to Mississippi. She discusses the duality in returning to a state where she was welcomed by neighbors, but at the same time it was reporting on anti-gay legislation that launched her journalism career. She discusses how she’s faced more discrimination in her career because of her gender than her sexuality. She then reflects on the Mississippi of her childhood and the Mississippi of now as she is readying to leave once again, this time begrudgingly.

Relational Format

audio recording




Additional files include: data sheet, photo, audio file. Transcript is available on request.


In copyright. For permission to duplicate, repost, or otherwise re-use these images, please contact the Invisible Histories Project: Mississippi.

Campbell, Larrison_Data Sheet.docx (16 kB)
Data Sheet

Larrison.jpg (290 kB)
Photo of Larrison Campbell
