LGBTQ+ History
Pentheny, Cadence
Document Type
Publication Date
As the coordinator for LGBTQ+ programming and initiatives within the Center for Inclusion and Cross-Cultural Engagement (CICCE) since the Fall of 2018, Pentheny is responsible for assessing the needs of and advocating on behalf of LGBTQ+ students. In this interview, Pentheny discusses the LGBTQ+ programming and initiatives they have implemented and collaborated on with students during their time at the University. Pentheny is also candid about some of the challenges they have faced in their role, but is overall optimistic about the work happening on campus. In addition, they discuss the impact of COVID-19 and other social issues on LGBTQ+ students, and how CICCE has established innovative ways to address those needs.
Relational Format
audio recording
Recommended Citation
Pentheny, Cadence and Buckingham, Danielle, "Pentheny, Cadence" (2020). LGBTQ+ History. 2.
Pentheny, Cadence_audio.mp3 (22947 kB)
Audio file
Pentheny, Cadence_data sheet.docx (10 kB)
Data sheet
Pentheny, Cadence_photo.jpg (11 kB)
Additional files include: abstract, audio file, data sheet, photo. Transcript available upon request.