Roundabout Oxford Podcast

Roundabout Oxford Podcast Episode 1: Music



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Welcome to Roundabout Oxford, a podcast from the University of Mississippi Libraries.

A little backstory for our listeners. Our main campus is located in the city of Oxford in North Central Mississippi. We are west of Tupelo, birthplace of Elvis Aaron Presley and south of Memphis, the birthplace of Elvis the king of rock and roll. Our region is renowned for its blues music, both hill country and Delta, and if you drive due west, you might just happen across the infamous crossroads where, legend has it, Robert Johnson made a deal with the devil. Our main library has its own blues archive, which we'll be learning more about in today's podcast. Look out the window of the archive and you can spot the campus circle, where segregationists rioted when James Meredith became the first black man enrolled at this university in 1962, the same riot that inspired Bob Dylan to write the song "Oxford Town." Today on Roundabout Oxford, we'll explore music and musicians, past and present. Stay tuned.

Episode 1 guests: Selim Giray (Department of Music) and Greg Johnson (Department of Archives and Special Collections, Library)

Relational Format

audio recording


Roundabout Oxford is hosted by Christina Streeter, Abbie Norris, and Alex Watson, edited by Brian Corrigan and Alan Munshower, and features Gail Herrerra. The podcast is produced through the University of Mississippi Libraries.

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