AI Art Exhibit

Creation Date
The biomechanics program is designed to educate students on the principles of engineering, kinesiology, human movement sciences, health, medicine, and other kinesiology related areas. The biomechanics program focuses on musculoskeletal anatomy, functional kinesiology, injury evaluation and treatment, biomechanics instrumentation, sports and occupational biomechanics, therapeutic interventions, and medical device development. The program operates a 4,000sqft Human Movement and High-Performance Laboratory which houses a 12 camera Vicon Motion capture system,4 AMTI/Bertec force plates, 16 channel Noraxon IMU system, 16 channel Noraxon EMGsystem, Proteus Motion system, Kieser function trainer, Balance Tutor treadmill system, and other ancillary instrumentation.
AI tool: DALL-E AI Generator
Artistic style - technical approach with high tech image illustrations
Effect - complete color palette for a broad range of color distribution in skeletons
Relational Format