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10-3-2023 10:45 AM
Through her involvement with UM's Center for Community Engagement and the Grisham-McLean Institute for Public Service and Community Engagement, an undergraduate student majoring in Public Health learned that language barriers were preventing the Spanish-speaking community from accessing primary and preventive care in the Pontotoc area. After facilitating community engagement roundtables around health disparities, this student then connected M Partner with MississippiCare, a federally qualified health center serving Pontotoc County. This team quickly engaged a professor of BioMolecular Sciences who had piloted a bilingual health fair in Oxford, as well as a longstanding community partner with Catholic Charities.
This team then engaged collaborators on campus and in the community to offer a free bilingual health fair in July 2021 that provided health screenings, COVID vaccines, referrals to dental and mental health providers, and legal services. Over 250 people attended this event. The presentation will share lessons learned from the needs assessment and planning processes, as well as plans for the growth and sustainability of the partnership.
An earlier version of this presentation (2022) is also available.
Relational Format
conference proceeding
Recommended Citation
Bryant, Jilkiah; Martin, Laura; Valcarcel, Noa; and Allison, Karen, "Breaking the Language Barrier: Promoting Community Health through Community-Campus Partnerships" (2023). SEC Spanish Consortium Conference. 9.
secscc_panel2_martin_et_al.srt (46 kB)
SRT file for captions
Accessibility Status
Audio or Video Captioning
Breaking the Language Barrier: Promoting Community Health through Community-Campus Partnerships
Through her involvement with UM's Center for Community Engagement and the Grisham-McLean Institute for Public Service and Community Engagement, an undergraduate student majoring in Public Health learned that language barriers were preventing the Spanish-speaking community from accessing primary and preventive care in the Pontotoc area. After facilitating community engagement roundtables around health disparities, this student then connected M Partner with MississippiCare, a federally qualified health center serving Pontotoc County. This team quickly engaged a professor of BioMolecular Sciences who had piloted a bilingual health fair in Oxford, as well as a longstanding community partner with Catholic Charities.
This team then engaged collaborators on campus and in the community to offer a free bilingual health fair in July 2021 that provided health screenings, COVID vaccines, referrals to dental and mental health providers, and legal services. Over 250 people attended this event. The presentation will share lessons learned from the needs assessment and planning processes, as well as plans for the growth and sustainability of the partnership.
An earlier version of this presentation (2022) is also available.
Additional files include transcript and captions (SRT file).