
Coulter Hall, Room 211

Start Date

20-5-2017 10:50 AM


The nitrogen molecule is one of the most strongly bound systems known. It also makes up a vast majority of the Earth’s atmosphere. However, the origin of this molecule in the atmosphere is still largely unknown. Is the nitrogen primordial to the Earth or was it formed through biological or geological processes? One way to find out is through observation of stellar systems similar to the early solar system. The chief issue is that N2 is not observable through vibrational or rotational means due to a lack of a permanent or induced dipole moment, and electronic observation is difficult to quantify. As a result, molecular tracers must be observed, instead. Dinitrogen bonds are notoriously unstable making laboratory synthesis and observation is difficult for such species. However, quantum chemical techniques are not hampered in such ways making them ideal for spectral prediction and structural analysis. This work will discuss the structure, binding, and relative energetics of the NNHNN+, NN-HCO+, and CO-HNN+ proton-bound complexes where the proton-shuttle motion is exceptionally bright. Additionally, the rovibrational spectra and relative energies of HNNS radicals will be described where previous work has predicted these species to be intermediates in the formation of N2 and the recently observed SH radical.

Relational Format

Conference proceeding


Download includes an expanded abstract with collaborators, institutional affiliations and cited references.


May 20th, 10:50 AM

CL8. Can We Find Interstellar Nitrogen in Exotic Molecules?

Coulter Hall, Room 211

The nitrogen molecule is one of the most strongly bound systems known. It also makes up a vast majority of the Earth’s atmosphere. However, the origin of this molecule in the atmosphere is still largely unknown. Is the nitrogen primordial to the Earth or was it formed through biological or geological processes? One way to find out is through observation of stellar systems similar to the early solar system. The chief issue is that N2 is not observable through vibrational or rotational means due to a lack of a permanent or induced dipole moment, and electronic observation is difficult to quantify. As a result, molecular tracers must be observed, instead. Dinitrogen bonds are notoriously unstable making laboratory synthesis and observation is difficult for such species. However, quantum chemical techniques are not hampered in such ways making them ideal for spectral prediction and structural analysis. This work will discuss the structure, binding, and relative energetics of the NNHNN+, NN-HCO+, and CO-HNN+ proton-bound complexes where the proton-shuttle motion is exceptionally bright. Additionally, the rovibrational spectra and relative energies of HNNS radicals will be described where previous work has predicted these species to be intermediates in the formation of N2 and the recently observed SH radical.