Sheet Music, 1834-1899

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MUM00682, 0129
Cover: drawing of a Caucasian male (possibly the composer/singer George Evans); caricatures of African American heads frame the cover; Publisher: Theo. Northrup (Chicago); Sol Bloom (Chicago)
Subject Headings (Library of Congress)
Songs -- United States -- 19th Century; Popular Music -- United States
Relational Format
music score
Original Format
Original Collection
Sheldon Harris Collection (MUM00682), Archives and Special Collections, University of Mississippi Libraries
Finding Aid
First verse
There's a cottage down in Georgia In the city of Savanna, Where a cocoa colored gal does dwell; Her ways they are the coaxingest, She has the cutest manner, Her name to you I'll tell She's not like other ladies Of the chocolate persuasion, And her style is all her own; She's the blackest stick of licorice The sun has ever shone on, And some day she'll be my own
O Susanna, From Savannah, You'se my black-eyed angel from above; You'se my honey, My spendin' money; O Susanna, my lady love O Susanna, From Savannah, You'se my black-eyed angel from above; You'se my honey, My spendin' money; O Susanna, my lady love
Second verse
A coon named Rufus Jackson Was trying to steal Susanna, But his work was just a little too coarse; For I carved up Mister Jackson In a scandalacious manner, Now his fam'ly mourn his loss A procession left his domicile A week ago today, And in the front carriage he did ride; And, to tell the truth, you know, His friends behind were walking slow, for Rufus had done gone and died
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