Sheet Music, 1920-1929


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MUM00682, 0211


Cover: drawing of a well dressed African American male asking a fawning African American female to dance; description reads fox-trot novelty song from the sensational musical comedy success Shuffle Along; Publisher: M. Witmark and Sons (New York)

Subject Headings (Library of Congress)

Songs -- United States -- 20th Century; Popular Music -- United States

Relational Format

music score

Original Format


Original Collection

Sheldon Harris Collection (MUM00682), Archives and Special Collections, University of Mississippi Libraries


First verse
There's just one fellow for me in this world Harry's his name That's what I claim Why for ev'ry fellow there must be a girl I've found my mate By kindness of fate.
I'm just wild about Harry and Harry's wild about me. The heav'nly blisses of his kisses fill me with ecstacy He's sweet just like choc'late candy, and just like honey from the bee Oh, I'm just wild about Harry And he's just wild about, cannot do without, He's just wild about me. I'm just wild about Harry and Harry's wild about me. The heav'nly blisses of his kisses fill me with ecstacy He's sweet just like choc'late candy, and just like honey from the bee Oh, I'm just wild about Harry And he's just wild about, cannot do without, He's just wild about me.
Second verse
There are some fellows that like all the girls, I mean the vamps, With cruel lamps, But my Harry says I'm the girl of all girls, I'm his ideal, How happy I feel.

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Some of the images and language that appear in the digital collections depict prejudices that are not condoned by the University of Mississippi. This content is being presented as historical documentation to aid in the understanding of both American history and the history of the University of Mississippi. The University Creed speaks to our current deeply held values, and the availability of this content should not be taken as an endorsement of previous attitudes or behavior.

I'm Just Wild about Harry / music by Eubie Blake; words by Noble Sissle



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