Faculty and Student Publications





Internship portfolio: Digital collection of Dr. Mark Frezzo’s book inventory and exhibit about US China relationship: Internship with UM Library, Yunze Li


Mark Frezzo Memorial Collection, Yunze Li



A Brief History of Archaeology at Ole Miss (Mississippi Archaeological Association Newsletter, 58.2, August 2022), Jay K. Johnson and Jessica Fleming Crawford


South-to-north migration preceded the advent of intensive farming in the Maya region, Douglas J. Kennett, Mark Lipson, Keith M. Prufer, David Mora-Marín, Richard J. George, Nadin Rohland, Mark Robinson, Willa R. Trask, Heather H. J. Edgar, Ethan C. Hill, Erin E. Ray, Paige Lynch, Emily Moes, Lexi O’Donnell, Thomas K. Harper, Emily J. Kate, Josue Ramos, John Morris, and Said M. Gutierrez


Nationalized Cosmopolitanism with Communist Characteristics: The Esperanto Movement's Survival Strategy in Post-World War II Bulgaria, Ana Velitchkova



The Remains of the Fray: Nascent Colonialism and Heterogeneous Hybridity, Charles R. Cobb, James B. Legg, Steven D. Smith, Chester B. Depratter, Brad R. Lieb, and Edmond A. Boudreaux


Sulfur isotopes as a proxy for human diet and mobility from the preclassic through colonial periods in the Eastern Maya lowlands, Claire E. Ebert, Asta J. Rand, Kirsten Green-Mink, Julie A. Hoggarth, Carolyn Freiwald, Jaime J. Awe, Willa R. Trask, Jason Yaeger, M. Kathryn Brown, Christophe Helmke, Rafael A. Guerra, Marie Danforth, and Douglas J. Kennett


Latewood ring width reveals ce 1734 felling dates for walker house timbers in Tupelo, Mississippi, USA, Thomas W. Patterson, Grant L. Harley, David H. Holt, Raymond T. Doherty, Daniel J. King, Karen J. Heeter, Ashley L. Chasez, Alyssa C. Crowell, and Ian M. Stewart



Introduction to the Special Section: Borders, Frontiers, and Boundaries in the Maya World: Concepts and Theory, Christina Halperin and Carolyn Freiwald


Early isotopic evidence for maize as a staple grain in the Americas, Douglas J. Kennett, Keith M. Prufer, Gyles Iannone, Brendan J. Culleton, Richard J. George, Mark Robinson, Willa R. Trask, Gina M. Buckley, Emily Moes, Emily J. Kate, Thomas K. Harper, Lexi O'Donnell, Erin E. Ray, Ethan C. Hill, Asia Alsgaard, Christopher Merriman, Clayton Meredith, Heather J. H. Edgar, Jaime J. Awe, and Said M. Gutierrez