Environmental Justice Driving Tour of Newport News

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16-3-2024 1:30 PM


Environmental justice rests on the premise that all people, regardless of race, ethnicity, national origin, and income, deserve equal access to environmental benefits such as parks, green spaces, clean air and water, equal protection from environmental risks and hazards, an equal voice in environmental decision-making processes, and equal protection under the law in terms of the enforcement of environmental regulations, policies, and laws (EPA, 2023).

On all fronts we fall far short of this aspirational goal. Around the world, across the United States, and in Hampton Roads, Virginia, marginalized and disadvantaged groups 15 frequently bear the least responsibility for causing environmental damage while disproportionately suffering the most damaging consequences (Bullard, 2018).

This environmental justice tour is designed to direct our attention to just a small number of environmental justice hotspots in the Hampton Roads region. We hope that highlighting the environmental struggles of these communities prompts us all to consider how we are all implicated in building a more socially, racially, and environmentally just future.

Access the driving tour with this link.

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Mar 16th, 1:30 PM

Environmental Justice Driving Tour of Newport News

Use map to follow tour

Environmental justice rests on the premise that all people, regardless of race, ethnicity, national origin, and income, deserve equal access to environmental benefits such as parks, green spaces, clean air and water, equal protection from environmental risks and hazards, an equal voice in environmental decision-making processes, and equal protection under the law in terms of the enforcement of environmental regulations, policies, and laws (EPA, 2023).

On all fronts we fall far short of this aspirational goal. Around the world, across the United States, and in Hampton Roads, Virginia, marginalized and disadvantaged groups 15 frequently bear the least responsibility for causing environmental damage while disproportionately suffering the most damaging consequences (Bullard, 2018).

This environmental justice tour is designed to direct our attention to just a small number of environmental justice hotspots in the Hampton Roads region. We hope that highlighting the environmental struggles of these communities prompts us all to consider how we are all implicated in building a more socially, racially, and environmentally just future.

Access the driving tour with this link.