Southerly: How collaborative storytelling makes communities more resilient, healthy, and equitable

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Lyndsey Gilpin says “the south, particularly its poor and rural people, stands to bear the brunt and lose the most from the effects of climate change, and these folks need to be the ones leading the way on addressing economic, environmental, and racial injustice.” During this talk, Gilpin will discuss how Southerly came to exist and their mission to collaborate with local news outlets and other organizations to bring more accurate and thoughtful storytelling about ecology, justice, and culture to this region — especially to rural, low-income, and BIPOC communities.

Lyndsey Gilpin was born and raised in Louisville, Kentucky and now based in Durham, N.C., she is a reporter and editor who has covered climate change, energy, environmental justice all over the U.S. Her work has appeared in Harper’s, The Daily Beast, CityLab, High Country News, The Washington Post, The Atlantic, Grist, Outside, Inside Climate News, and more. She earned her master’s degree from Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University.

To learn more about the Center for the Study of Southern Culture and the SouthTalks series, please visit the Center's website.

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