The Future of Air Travel – Can Aviation Laws Keep Up?


Jenny A. Urban

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Air and Space Law


Get through airport security faster or check a bag with the tap of your fingers or a scan of your eyes? Experience artificial intelligence inflight? These technologies are crafting the future of aviation, but how does that impact current regulations both within the U.S and abroad? Innovation in air travel allows for a better customer experience and frictionless process; however, regulations must be updated to ensure aviation security. Aviation attorney Jenny Urban will explain why private-public partnerships, information sharing, and international collaboration are the key to revising the aviation regulatory sphere to incorporate technical advancements in this globally connected industry. A graduate of the Air & Space Law program at The University of Mississippi School of Law, Jenny A. Urban specializes in aviation law. Her work as an attorney has her on forefront of the constantly evolving law in air and space law. She is an expert aviation regulatory compliance, aviation financing and leasing, and regulatory issues related to unmanned aircraft systems. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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