Mexissippi: Spanish in the South

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Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education


The Spanish language and culture are expanding in the U.S. South. By implementing a bilingual educational system, we will support multiculturalism and multilingualism in Mississippi and help create positive economic, health and educational changes in our region. Stephen Fafulas is Assistant Professor of Spanish and Linguistics in the Department of Modern Languages at the University of Mississippi. In his courses, Dr. Fafulas trains students to observe linguistic phenomena through interdisciplinary perspectives and inspires them to excel in their careers. Currently, Dr. Fafulas is director of the Study of Communities, Involvement & Outreach and Linguistics Laboratory (SoCIOLing) where he mentors students conducting community-engaged research on Spanish in the U.S. South. Dr. Fafulas’s research has appeared in numerous peer-reviewed journals and been funded by the National Science Foundation. Dr. Fafulas has collaborated with key stakeholders in developing dual-language immersion programs to incorporate bilingual and bicultural education in the curriculum of K-5 schools. When not in the classroom or lab, you are likely to find him with his family, at the martial arts academy, or at a local coffee shop. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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