Seeing the Unseen

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Film and Media Studies


Michael Fagans is an Assistant Professor of at the School of Journalism and New Media. He simply enjoys telling people’s stories. A working photojournalist and documentary filmmaker, Michael’s journey has taken him to to the Navajo Nation, Malawi, India, Austria, Afghanistan, Scotland, Canada, the Dominican Republic, Belize and Guatemala. He is also the author of three books on iPhone photography with Amherst Media. His documentary film ‘The Trafficked Life’ helped raise over $50,000 that was donated to ten nonprofits working to combat human trafficking in California’s central valley. Michael’s TV Documentary class is wrapping up a project reporting on the Southeastern part of Mississippi. He is currently in post-production on a documentary about David Sheffield, University of Mississippi alum, who staged a play on campus this summer in partnership with Theater Oxford and the Department of Theatre & Film at The University of Mississippi. A paraphrased quote from Hugh Brody speaks to Michael about the photographer’s mind as one of “humanity’s most sophisticated combination of detailed knowledge and intuition. It is where direct experience and metaphor unite in a joint concern to know and use the truth.”

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video recording (14 kB)
Transcript, SRT file

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