How We Forgive

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Rick Balkin, Ph.D., LPC, NCC is the Interim Department Chair and Professor of Leadership & Counselor Education and Coordinator of Educational Research and Design in the School of Education at the University of Mississippi. He is the author of Practicing Forgiveness: A Path Toward Healing, published by Oxford University Press, which focuses on a new model and measure for working through issues of forgiveness and conflict. Rick has over 95 publications, which include textbooks, tests, technical manuals, peer-reviewed manuscripts, book chapters, and conference proceedings. Rick began practice as a professional counselor in 1993 focusing on counseling adolescents in crisis. He has worked in academe since 2003. He is the recipient of the Extended Research Award from the American Counseling Association for his research spanning nearly two decades on adolescents in crisis and counseling outcomes. He currently serves as Editor-in-Chief for the International Journal for the Advancement of Counseling. Rick is a Fellow of the American Counseling Association, past-president for the Association for Assessment and Research in Counseling, and former editor of the Journal of Counseling & Development, the flagship journal of the American Counseling Association.

Relational Format

video recording


Attendees were invited via QR code in the program to complete a brief survey. The survey is also included as an "additional file".

Balkin_survey_TEDx_2022-02-22_ocr.pdf (431 kB)
Survey instrument (14 kB)
Transcript: SRT file

Accessibility Status

Audio or Video Captioning, Searchable text

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