What have UM Southern Studies faculty, staff, and students been doing during the 2020 quarantine?
Streaming Media
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Faculty, staff, and students from the Center for the Study of Southern Culture at the University of Mississippi highlight what they have been doing during the 2020 Covid-19 spring quarantine.
Featuring: B. Brian Foster, John Rash, Zaire Love, Adam Gussow, Jessie Wilkerson, Katie McKee (with Fern), [unidentified*], Ralph Eubanks, John T. Edge, Karen Tuttle, Andrea Morales, Catarina Passidomo, Afton Thomas (with Noah and Olive), Andy Harper.
Relational Format
video recording
Recommended Citation
University of Mississippi. Center for the Study of Southern Culture, "What have UM Southern Studies faculty, staff, and students been doing during the 2020 quarantine?" (2020). Videos by the Center. 2.
* If you can identify the man talking about "a dress shirt with shorts" at minute 1:58, please tell us! egrove@olemiss.edu #crowdsource