Editor's Notes: Manuscripts: Rules of the Game
Glenda E. Ried
Peer Review: The SECPS Experience, Removing the Shroud of Secrecy
Andrew H. Barnett and Russ Alexander
Comparative Peer Review Cost Data: Helpful in Determining What Type of Team is Desirable
Joseph A. Defatta and Julian D. Smith
Another Look at GAAP Applied to Small Business: Some Suggested Cures
Linda R. Jefcoat and Loudell Ellis Robinson
Manifestations of FAS No. 52: Placement of the “Translation Adjustment’’ is Questioned
Eugene L. Zieha and Orapin Duangploy
Hazardous Wastes Disposal Costs: Their Recognition is a Social Responsibility of the Independent Auditor
Gary Saunders and Roland L. Madison
Electronic Data Processing: Economic Implications of Contingency Plans for System Back-Up and Recovery Plans
Elise G. Jancura
Letters to the Editor: Walkup Letter
Mary Burnet
Woman CPA Volume 46, Number 3, July 1984
American Woman's Society of Certified Public Accountants and American Society of Women Accountants