Editor's Notes: Annual Report Each
Glenda E. Ried
Remarks By The Honorable Katherine D. Ortega Treasurer of the United States Before the 1984 AWSCPA-ASWA Joint Annual Meeting October 10, 1984
Katherine D. Ortega
Current Problems in Governmental Revenue and Expenditure Recognition
K. K. Raman and R. Michael Moore
Consolidation of Foreign and Finance Subsidiaries: A Survey of Opinion
Deborah W. Tanju and Murat N. Tanju
Earnings Gap in the 1980’s: Its Causes, Consequences and Prospects for Elimination
Daniel E. Maahs, Paula C. Morrow, and James C. McElroy
“New Wave” of Decision Support Software: Is It For You? A Complement of the Information Center Concept
Bernard C. Reimann
Work as a Central Life Interest in Male and Female Senior and Staff Accountants in Large CPA Firms
Marc Levine
Developing an Effective Advertising Campaign: Helps Create an Effective Professional Image
Terri L. Hollingsworth and Clifford E. Hutton
Woman CPA Volume 47, Number 1, January 1985
American Woman's Society of Certified Public Accountants and American Society of Women Accountants