Cooperation in farm accounting, H. M. Eliot, F. T. Riddell, Michigan State Grange, and Michigan Agricultural College. Experiment Station
Ernst & Ernst, Ernst & Ernst
Practical application of cost work to management, B. E. Hutchinson
Vestryman's guide to canons dealing with financial relations of parishes and missions to the Diocese of California and general church, Frederic M. Lee
Condensed report on the saving to society resulting from the use of the Comptometer, Lybrand, Ross Bros. & Montgomery; Dorr E. Felt; and Felt & Tarrant Manufacturing Co.
Mine bookkeeping: a comprehensive system of records and accounts for mining operations of moderate dimensions, Robert McGarraugh
Accountants' directory and who's who, Rita Perine Merritt, Leonard Bickwit, and American Society of Certified Public Accountants
Are you applying burden properly?, Millwork Cost Information Bureau
Letter sent to James O Sully, January 14, 1920, Nau, Rusk & Swearingen; Carl H. Nau; Charles L. Swearingen; and Stephen G. Rusk
What the items of a bank statement mean, Stuart H. Patterson
Practical cost system for printing offices, R. T. Porte
Manual of accounts prepared for New Orleans Bank for Cooperatives, R. J. LeGardeur & Co. and LeGardeur (R. J.) & Co.
Manual of Goldwyn branch operations, Erich Schay, Samuel P. Byers, and Charles D. Shaw
Papers and Proceedings of the Third Annual Meeting, Richmond, VA., 1918, American Association of University Instructors in Accounting
Preparation for the accounting profession, Anonymous
A-B-C of cost engineering, Robert S. Denham
Needed reform in the present federal tax laws, Morris F. Frey
Accounting for modern corporations: Instruction paper; Accounts of holding companies; Corporation accounting and investigations; Profits of a corporation, William M. Lybrand, F. H. MacPherson, and Arthur Lowes Dickinson
Cost keeping for newsprint paper mills, Morse, Perley, & Company, New York and Newsprint Service Bureau. Committee on Uniform Cost Keeping
Report and Suggestions of Committee on Standard System of Accounting and Analysis of Cost Production, National Coal Association
Detection of frauds, Harold Benington
Cost finding in woolen and worsted mills, Samuel S. Dale
Fundamentals of cost and profit calculation: A vigorous discussion of the vital elements of business, Robert S. Denham
Manufacturing organization, Hugo Diemer
Uniform cost system for grinding wheel manufacturers, Henry Duckworth, Samuel P. Byers, and Charles D. Shaw
Graphic charts for the business man, Stephen Gilman
Budget classifications and rules of procedure for departmental estimates, Gilbert H. Hendren, Lawrence F. Orr, Walter G. Owens, and Willard B. Gemmill
Principles of factory cost keeping, Edward Preston Moxey
Hospital accounting, Charles A. Porter and Herbert K. Carter
Practical cost keeping for contractors: a book giving a system of accurate cost keeping and the methods used for adapting it to all classes of construction work, Frank Rabold Walker
Business Record Systems Book of Instructions for Retail Hardware Dealers, Associated Advertising Clubs of the World
Executive budget in relation to governmental accounting -- The sinews of war... and peace!, Harvey S. Chase
Modern accounting, its principles and some of its problems, Henry Rand Hatfield
Methods of taxing war profits compared, George Oliver May, Wisconsin Gas Association, and Wisconsin Electrical Association
Automobile accounting, C. T. McCormack
Partnership agreement, Nau, Rusk & Swearingen; Carl H. Nau; Charles L. Swearingen; and Stephen G. Rusk
Booklet of instructions for Hardware Age system of Simplified accounting for hardware retailers, T. W. Snead
National system in tailoring, William H. Vehon and National Association of Merchant Tailors of America. Business Efficiency Committee
Economic status of the public accountant, Charles Edwin Warn
Treatise on increasing bakery efficiency. Specimens for figuring costs, expenses and results., Julius E. Wihlfahrt and
Business Record systems Book of Instructions for Retail Jewelry Merchants, Associated Advertising Clubs of the World
Business Record Systems Book of Instructions for Retail Shoe Merchants, Associated Advertising Clubs of the World
Business practice and accounts for cooperative stores, J. A. Bexell, W. H. Kerr, and United States. Department of Agriculture
Cost keeping in the leather belting industry, William F. Carroll and L. L. Harr
After the darkest hour of the night comes the day; Epitome of curriculum of New York School of Accounts; Facts factor first -- Always!, Theodore Koehler and Theodora Daub
Relation of the cost department to the factory organization, Clinton Homer Scovell
Cost finding for textile mills: cotton, woolen,worsted, hosiery, underwear, Textiles
Estimating the cost of work with special reference to unstandardized operations, as in jobbing shops or repair work, William Burder Ferguson
Brewery financial and cost statements, John P. Hauch
Uniform cost methods: An address before the Package Club, April 12, 1915, Charles Neville
Unearned burden in paper mills: Measuring the loss from curtailed production, Clinton Homer Scovell
Essentials in paper mill cost accounting, Clinton Homer Scovell and Writing Paper Manufacturers' Association
Introduction to Accounting, John R. Wildman
Cost accounting on construction work with a description of the system used by the Aberthaw Construction Company, Leslie H. Allen and Aberthaw Construction Company
Standard system of cost accounting adapted to the paper and pulp industry, Charles H. Case and American Paper and Pulp Association
Accounting: Practice and Procedure, Arthur Lowes Dickinson
Electric light accounts and their significance, Henry Moore Edwards
Applied theory of Accounts, Paul-Joseph Esquerre
Manual of Instructions for the Installation and Operation of the Standardized System of Cost Accounting Adopted by Laundryowners National Association, September 1914, C. M. Jackman, Burton T. Cooke, and Laundryowners National Association Service Bureau. Department of Cost Accounting
Efficient cost keeping: a study of the most effective applications of cost keeping principles to certain types of management, Elias St. Elmo Lewis
Guide to the study of auditing, Samuel F. Racine and Robert Hiester Montgomery
What is a certified public accountant, Waldron H. Rand
National Budget on its expenditure side, Harvey S. Chase and Massachusetts Society of Certified Public Accountants
Brief history of telephone accounting: a lecture delivered to the students of the Amos Tuck school of administration and finance, associated with Dartmouth college, Hanover, N.H., Charles Gilbert Du Bois
Griffith system of rapid trial balance, William E. Griffith
Proceedings at a meeting held December 6, 1913, to discuss The Federal Income Tax, The Pending Currency Bill, and The National Budget at the offices of Harvey S. Chase & Company; Federal Income Tax; National Budget, Robert Hiester Montgomery
Tannery production costs and methods of accounting, Ethelbert Stewart
Brewery accounts, F. W. Thornton
Theory of Accounts, Frederick S. Tipson
Campbell's actual accounting : an apprenticeship in business; the modern method of instruction in elementary and advanced accounting, business forms, and business customs, Thomas Findley Campbell
Efficiency in public management, Frederick Albert Cleveland
Cost finding in the cloak and suit industry, Philip Frankel; National Cloak, Suit, & Skirt Manufacturers' Association. Welfare Committee; and Morris A. Black
Checking and auditing system used in the Saint Paul Hotel, St. Paul, Minn. installed by the National Cash Register Company, Dayton, Ohio; National Checking and auditing system for hotels, National Cash Register Company
Utilization of net income, Harrison Standish Smalley
Twentieth century brewery accounting, Allen R. Smart
Circular nos. 1-10 (May1, 1912-Jun2 12, 1912); Bulletin nos. 1-9 (April 12, 1912-June 10, 1912); Instructions for use of agent's cash book, Wells Fargo & Co. Accounting Department and J. W. Newlean
Brewery accounting: The study of the accounts of a modern brewery, George Wilkinson
Office and accounting system for the accounting profession, Walter C. Wright
Accounting system of an ice company, J. M. Bluim
Rules for accounting, October 1, 1911, E. E. Honn and Wells Fargo & Company Express
Budgets and balance sheets: The practical application of sound accounting principles and methods to municipal book-keeping, Harvey S. Chase
Depreciation in water-works accounts with reference to uniform reports, Harvey S. Chase
Certified public accountant, Walter A. Staub
Accounting system for rice mills, Charles E. Wermuth
General expense and cost summaries: instruction paper, Charles E. Hathaway and National Association of Merchant Tailors of America. Business Efficiency Committee
Relation between accountancy and economics, James Edward Le Rossignol
Verification and treatment of inventories in audits and examinations of manufacturing and trading concerns, William R. Mckenzie
Railroad reorganization, Stuart Daggett
Electric Railway Auditing and Accounting, Wm. H. Forse Jr.
New idea in time recording and its advantages in cost accounting, Robert W. Higgins
Uniform classification of accounts and reports for hospitals as specially designed for the hospitals of St. Louis, MO, Hospital Saturday and Sunday Association of St. Louis. Audit Committee and Dickinson, Wilmot and Sterrett