MSCPA Centennial History: A Century of CPAs in Mississippi, James W. Davis, Dale L. Flesher, Annette Pridgen, and Mississippi Society of Certified Public Accountants
Principles Agreement for Reciprocal Licensing, Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia, U.S. International Qualifications Appraisal Board, National Association of State Boards of Accountancy, and American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)
Report of the President's Commission on Budget Concepts, Robert M. Trueblood and Federal Government Accountants Association
Georgia Society of Certified Public Accountants, Inc., History for the period June 1953 through June 20, 1959, Georgia Society of Certified Public Accountants
Methods of accounting and office procedure in the men's and boy's clothing industry, Clothing Manufacturers Association of the U.S.A
Georgia Society of Certified Public Accountants, Inc., History for the 5-year period June 1949 through May 1953; History for the 5-year period June 1949 through May 1953, Georgia Society of Certified Public Accountants
Program for audit of financial records of Michigan school districts, Michigan Association of Certified Public Accountants. Accounting and Auditing Procedure Committee and John E. Major
Roster of Members, 1950-1951, Michigan Association of Certified Public Accountants
Manual of accounts prescribed by the State Department of Audit for the use of Mississippi municipalities, Mississippi Society of Certified Public Accountants and Mississippi. State Department of Audit
Georgia Society of Certified Public Accountants, Inc.: History, 1888-1948; History, 1888-1948, Georgia Society of Certified Public Accountants
Statement on behalf of the New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants in opposition to HR 2657; Before the Committee on the Judiciary; House of Representatives 80th Congress, Second Session; H. R. 2657, New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants and United States. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary
Protest against the provisions of circular no. 230, Texas Association of Public Accountants
Basic accounting (10 lessons, examination) -- Fundamental theory (10 lessons, final examination), American Accountants Training Association
Fundamental accounting practice (20 lessons, final examination) -- Advanced accounting (20 lessons) -- Cost accounting theory (10 lessons), American Accountants Training Association
Educational Meeting, New York City, December 11, 1945, W. C. Davison, C. C. Sparks, and New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants
Principles of the IBM punched card method; Use of the IBM accounting method by the public accountant; Educational meeting (New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants), Charles H. Sevin, E. R. Hawkins, and United States. Department of Commerce. Office of Domestic Commerce. Marketing Division
Constitution and by-laws, Association of Certified Public Accountant Examiners
Function of the engineer in the confirmation of inventories, Association of Consulting Management Engineers
Cooperative creamery accounting, Delmer D. Brubaker
Ten-Year Book, 1897-1906, New York Society of Certified Public Accountants and Earle L. Washburn
Proposed changes in the federal revenue law: A memorandum submitted to the United States Treasury Department, September 1, 1938, American Institute of Accountants. Committee on Federal Taxation and Victor H. Stempf
Uniform system for determining manufacturing costs, American Pharmaceutical Manufacturers' Association
Cost accounting system for the malleable iron industry, Malleable Founders' Society
Public accountancy legislation, Ira B. McGladrey
Standard accounting for broadcasting stations, National Association of Broadcasters
Depreciation and obsolescence in hotels; Report of the Depreciation Committee of the American Hotel Association of the United States and Canada; Hotel depreciation studies, E. C. Eppley, Paul Simon, and American Hotel Association of the United States and Canada. Depreciation Committee
Accountancy is a career for educated men, American Institute of Accountants
Itinerary of American Institute of Accountants en route to and from annual meeting at Del Monte, California, September 19-22, 1927, American Institute of Accountants. Meeting (1927 : Del Monte, Ca.)
Cost accounting methods, Malleable Iron Research Institute
1927 identification cards are now ready for distribution, National Association of Certified Public Accountants
Book shop accounts and records, Cedric R. Crowell
Letter sent from J.R. Hutchison to membership of National Association of Certified Public Accountants , January 11, 1926, J. R. Huchison and National Association of Certified Public Accountants
Letter sent from J.R. Hutchison to membership of National Association of Certified Public Accountants, January 11, 1926, J. R. Hutchison and National Association of Certified Public Accountants
Financial survey, Benjamin Nadel
Financial Survey, Benjamin Nadel and Raw and Thrown Silk Credit Men's Association
Membership annual dues for the year 1926, National Association of Certified Public Accountants and C. P. Timmons
Standard Glass Container Association cost system, Fred J. Rummel and E. G. Ackerman
Manual of accounting practice based upon the standard accounting system for electrical contractors and retailers, Association of Electragists International
Standard Costs -- Their Development and Use, F. Brugger
Cost Accounting in the Lumber Industry, A. J. Carson
Costs for Oil Producers, R. W. Cobb
How Can Cost Work Be Simplified Without Impairing Accuracy, F. H. Corregan
Internal organization of a Manufacturing Company, D, M. Farish
Control of Stocks of Merchandise, Herbert C. Freeman
How to Reduce the Cost of Selling, A. G. Frost
Cost of Distribution, A. E, Grover
Industrial Appraisals and Insurance, H. B. Hall
Profit Sharing as a Method of Compensation, Ralph E. Heilman
Administrative and Selling Costs, Their Nature and Distribution, W. H. Higginbotham and Andrew Stewart
Executive's Viewpoint in Reference to Cost Figures; Cost Figures from the Viewpoint of the Factory Executive, E. Kent Hubbard and J. Ernest Andrew
Financial burden in cost: What it is and how it should be considered in the administration of your business, Illinois Manufacturers' Costs Association
System of Labor Control for Pay Roll and Cost Purposes, Peter C. Jung
Cost Accounting and Foremen's Departmental Activities, T. M. McNiece
Cost Finding in the Leather Glove Industry, Miller, Franklin, Basset & Company and National Glove and Mitten Manufacturers' Association
Application for Admission to Membership in the National Association of Certified Public Accountants, National Association of Certified Public Accountants
Application for examination for full membership in the National Association of Certified Public Accountants, National Association of Certified Public Accountants
Bonded public accountant: Member, National Association of Certified Public Accountants
Annual Meeting: Reports of Officers and Directors, National Association of Cost Accountants
Simplified uniform accounting system for retail coal merchants, National Retail Coal Merchants Association
Pace men: Biographical sketches from The Pace Student, Pace Institute
Production Budgeting, J. L. Palmer
Bank's Relation to the Problems of Vested and Working Capital; What Information Does the Banker Want in Connection With Commercial Loans?, H. I. Shepherd and Walter H. Johnson Jr.
Industrial and Statistical Department of a Modern Bank, F. W. Shibley
Management Function in Business, J. Gordon Steele
Overhead During Low-Volume Production, A. F. Stock and J. M. Coffey
Various Wage-Systems in Relation to Factory Indirect Charges, R. R. Thompson
Preparation and Control of a Budget, J. R. Tobey
Pricing the Inventory, W. F. Vieh
Human Element in Material Control, Charles A. Williams
Industrial and Financial Investigations, Arthur Andersen
Executive Uses of Costs, Howard Berry
Accumulating the Overhead, Albert V, Bristol
Distributing Overhead, Nelson J. Browne
Getting the Most Out of Business Records, Matthew L. Carey
Budgetary Control, William Carswell
Cost Accounting in the Domestic Beet Sugar Industry, F. L. Crawford
Controlling the Labor, William O. Cutter and Charles A. Williams
Uses Budgets in Reducing Overhead, Ray W. Darnell
Methods of Supplying Cost Information to Foremen, Hugo Diemer
Importance of the Cost of Idleness in Equipment Industries, E. F. Du Brul
Practical Method of Cost Accounting in a Shipbuilding or a Ship Repair Plant, L. V. Hedrick
Construction Cost Accounting from the Viewpoint of Both the Contractor and the Customer, Weston J. HIbbs
Use of Accounting Information and Statistical Data in a Department Store, A. C. Hodge
Depreciation: Comments on its computation and treatment in ordinary manufacturing operations, Illinois Manufacturers' Costs Association
Proper analysis and distribution of commercial expenses, Illinois Manufacturers' Costs Association
Expense of Power and Building Service, James P. Kendall
Foundry Cost System, Machinery Builders' Society
Papers: Fourth New England Regional Cost Conference, National Association of Cost Accountants
Manual of instruction for the installation and operation of the national cost and accounting system; Supplement to Manual of instruction for the installation and operation of the national cost and accounting system, National Tent & Awning Manufacturers' Association and National Canvas Goods Manufacturers' Association
Indirect Labor, Harry J. Ostlund
Administration of the Budget, Harry C. Senour
Co-operation Between the Comptroller and the Engineer, Major J. W. Swaren
Operating Ratios and Costs as Guides to Management, Urban F. von Rosen
Cost Accounting in a Metal Stamping Plant, E. H. Wildt
Basis for Cost Accounting in Banks, Gordon Wilson
Principles and Practice of Construction Cost-Keeping Part II Analyzing Costs, William M. Affelder
Inventories, physical and perpetual, Alexander Hamilton Institute
Programme: Annual Meeting, 1923 [American Institute of Accountants], American Institute of Accountants. Committee on Meetings
Suggestive budget for families of small income, Associated Charities of Cleveland. Home Economics Committee
Work of the cashier's cage, Association of American Portland Cement Manufacturers and Portland Cement Association