"Itinerary of American Institute of Accountants en route to and from an" by American Institute of Accountants. Meeting (1927 : Del Monte, Ca.)

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The annnual meeting of the American Institute of Accountants will beheld at Del Monte, California, September 19-22, 1927, and it is expected that many members from all parts of the United States will take advantage of this opportunity to attend an Institute meeting and at the same time to see as much as possible of our western country. There is a generally expressed wish that a special train should be chartered to enable members and their families to travel together from Chicago. After careful inquiry it seems that the most desirable arrangements can be made through the Raymond & Whitcomb Company. The costs of the special facilities which this company can provide are practically the same as the costs of ordinary transportation. The experience of the company seems to assure a comprehensive attention to detail which should relieve members of many minor responsibilities and leave them free to make the most of the pleasures of the trip. Accordingly, the Raymond & Whitcomb Company has been authorized to arrange a tour, if a sufficient number of participants can be obtained. This little pamphlet is prepared by the Raymond & Whitcomb Company with the consent of officers of the Institute and we recommend that all who can attend the meeting take advantage of the plan proposed herein. It is hoped that all the available accommodations can be sold. Naturally, reservations will be made in order as received.

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