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For some time there has been a demand, coming from various sources, for a manual of packing-house accounting procedure and practice, and the present development and importance of the industry in this country warrant the preparation of such a treatise. It is indeed singular that there has never been prepared any authoritative manual on this subject. Many other industries have uniform or standardized classifications of accounts. Many books have been written about the accounting systems of other businesses. But nothing of importance has ever been published on the accounting methods found in the packing house; schools and universities have little or nothing in their courses pertaining to it; and the accounting profession is not generally well informed on the subject except as some members may have had personal experience in the business. The accounting procedure to be outlined in the following chapters is not based upon the present practice of any one plant or company, but is drawn from the systems of various companies both large and small. In preparing this work, attention has been given primarily to the needs and requirements of packing-house executives and accountants. An attempt has been made, however, to present the subject in such a manner as to make it intelligible and useful to others interested in packing-house accounts. For Part II see Tentative Draft of Proposed Accounting Instructions on the Cattle Business.

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