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Dicksee, Lawrence Robert, 1864-1932

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As President of the Chapter, I found myself responsible for providing a program which would arouse and sustain the interest of the membership through the season. For this purpose it seemed that the best possible thing would be to take a subject which could be presented in instalments, thus creating a continuity of interest. Above all, it was my hope that, by so doing, I should be able to give a complete treatment to a somewhat lengthy subject, which one could not hope to do in a single paper for one evening. For these reasons I decided to show the operation of a complete system of cost accounting, and for convenience I presented the system of my own firm, The Holtzer-Cabot Electric Company. It is not my purpose to hold it up as a model; indeed, I welcomed differences of opinion as affording opportunity for discussion; and I hope that the complete picture thus given may be of interest to all who are engaged or interested in cost accounting work. I believe that the principles presented may be applied in many lines of industry.

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