Other Form of Name

Alvord, John W. (John Watson), 1861-1943; Mead, Daniel W. (Daniel Webster), 1862-1948

Document Type


Publication Date



Losses of value which are complete, and fully demonstrated by proper abandonment or necessary replacement of the whole or a unit part of a property, are a matter of history and fact, and require only proper accounting to determine their occurrence and amount. Losses of value, which are partial or incomplete, always require prophecy as to future need, usefulness, and service, in order to properly divide that portion of the value which still exists from that which is lost. This function necessitates much more judgment than accounting. It requires the careful analysis of a broadly trained, experienced, and practical mind, thoroughly familiar with the business in question. Original item in Boxno. 0409;

Relational Format



James Nisbet Hazelhurst also contributed to this report.

Series Title

Journal of the American Water Works Association (1917) Vol. 4, no. 3



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