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As members of the Committee appointed by the President to consider the construction and phraseology of the draft Constitution and By-Laws for the proposed Institute of Accountants in the United States which has been furnished to each member of the Society by the American Association of Public Accountants, we now wish to submit our report: We have devoted a great deal of time and careful study to all phases of the matter and, in order to give effect to such changes of phraseology as we think might more clearly express the principles to be incorporated in the Constitution and By-Laws and to call attention to such matters of fundamental importance in the draft Constitution and By-Laws as we think might be altered with advantage to the profession at large, we have prepared and attach hereto, in juxta-position with the original draft, an amended draft, Constitution and By-Laws, together with notations relating to the differences so as to permit your members easily to grasp the suggested changes.

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