Uniform system of accounts for telegraph and cable companies (exclusive of wireless telegraph companies) as prescribed by the Interstate Commerce Commission in accordance with section 20 of the Act to Regulate Commerce

National Tent & Awning Manufacturers' Association
National Canvas Goods Manufacturers' Association


This Uniform System of Accounts for Telegraph and Cable Companies is issued in accordance with an order of the Interstate Commerce Commission, the text of which immediately precedes this letter. The act to regulate commerce, as amended, invests the Commission with authority to prescribe the forms of accounts to be kept by telegraph and cable companies subject to the act, and prohibits the use of any accounts other than those prescribed by the Commission. The observance of the rules and regulations stated in this system of accounts therefore becomes obligatory upon persons having direct charge of the accounts of the companies concerned, and such persons will be held responsible for their proper application. In formulating this system of accounts it has been the endeavor of the Division of Carriers' Accounts to enlist the cooperation of the various telegraph and cable companies. For that purpose Accounting Series Circular No. 31, containing a tentative system of accounts, was submitted to all such companies of which there was record, and due consideration was given to all criticisms and suggestions received.