Cost accounting on construction work with a description of the system used by the Aberthaw Construction Company

National Paving Brick Manufacturers Association. Committee on Uniform Cost Finding


It is the purpose of this paper to describe the Aberthaw Company's system in detail, taking up in logical order the above points and matters incidental thereto. The present system has been a gradual development. The cost-keeping system was installed early in the history of the company by Mr. Wason, the president of the company, who laid work out upon the usual lines indicated above. The additional features have been added since the beginning of 1910 in the order indicated above, and the complete system may be said to have been in working order for over two years, long enough for us properly to try it out and to know that it really gives us the information we need. The system I am about to describe is really practicable, is not expensive in operation and can be used by any contractor who has but the patience to study his problem and insist on getting just the results he wants. Although the writer's firm specializes in one branch of construction work, the system is equally applicable to any other work of similar nature, whether in the line of heavy engineering or the building of modern office buildings or frame dwelling-houses