Pelcyński’s Property (V) on Positive Tensor Products of Banach Lattices
Room 101, Hume Hall
Start Date
27-4-2024 1:00 PM
End Date
27-4-2024 2:00 PM
Let E be an atomic reflexive Banach lattice and X be any Banach lattice with Pelcyński’s property (V). We show that the positive injective tensor product Eˇ ⊗|ε|X has Pelcyński’s property (V) and the positive projective tensor product Eˆ ⊗|π|X has Pelcyński’s property (V) if and only if every positive linear operator from E to X∗ is compact. As an application, we provide new examples of non-reflexive Banach lattices with Pelcyński’s property (V). [A formatted abstract is also attached.]
Relational Format
conference proceeding
Recommended Citation
Mate, Apoorva, "Pelcyński’s Property (V) on Positive Tensor Products of Banach Lattices" (2024). AMS-AWM Student Research Symposium. 17.
Pelcyński’s Property (V) on Positive Tensor Products of Banach Lattices
Room 101, Hume Hall
Let E be an atomic reflexive Banach lattice and X be any Banach lattice with Pelcyński’s property (V). We show that the positive injective tensor product Eˇ ⊗|ε|X has Pelcyński’s property (V) and the positive projective tensor product Eˆ ⊗|π|X has Pelcyński’s property (V) if and only if every positive linear operator from E to X∗ is compact. As an application, we provide new examples of non-reflexive Banach lattices with Pelcyński’s property (V). [A formatted abstract is also attached.]