The variance of counts of squarefrees in short intervals

Presenter Information

Brad Rodgers, Queen's University

Document Type



Bryant Hall 209

Start Date

24-5-2019 2:30 PM

End Date

24-5-2019 3:30 PM


Abstract: Consider the number of squarefree integers in a randomly 
chosen short interval. In this talk we will discuss a method for 
computing the variance of such a count. The estimate we arrive at 
improves an old result of R.R. Hall and confirms a conjecture of Keating 
and Rudnick in a restricted range. This is joint work with Ofir 
Gorodetsky, Bingrong Huang, and Maksym Radziwill.

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May 24th, 2:30 PM May 24th, 3:30 PM

The variance of counts of squarefrees in short intervals

Bryant Hall 209

Abstract: Consider the number of squarefree integers in a randomly 
chosen short interval. In this talk we will discuss a method for 
computing the variance of such a count. The estimate we arrive at 
improves an old result of R.R. Hall and confirms a conjecture of Keating 
and Rudnick in a restricted range. This is joint work with Ofir 
Gorodetsky, Bingrong Huang, and Maksym Radziwill.