3rd Annual Winter Intersession Workshop: Forming, Teaching, and Managing Student Teams

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



Forming, Teaching, and Managing Student Teams Using CATME Smarter Teamwork Tools for Effective Team-Based Learning There are many reasons to put students in teams – teaching them to work in teams, the learning benefits of collaboration, the diversity benefits of finding out other students’ perspectives, and the ability to provide a deeper level of feedback on the smaller number of assignments submitted by student teams are among them. For all these benefits, having students work in teams introduces other issues for faculty to manage – from forming teams to dealing with teams in crisis to evaluating how much each student contributed to assignments submitted as a team. This workshop will help participants design, implement, and evaluate team-based learning experiences for their classes. Research-based strategies to address these issues will be discussed, and award-winning online tools that can help will be introduced – tools that also provide opportunities for faculty to engage in research. Participants who bring a networked device to the workshop will be able to practice using online tools that can help instructors manage student teams. Presenter: Matt Ohland (Purdue University) Dr. Matthew Ohland is a professor in the School of Engineering Education at Purdue University. He is a fellow of ASEE, IEEE, and AAAS. Software for team formation and peer evaluation developed under Dr. Ohland’s leadership has received various awards and has been used by over 1,000,000 students worldwide. He also has experience teaching over 3000 students in a team-based learning environment. Dr. Ohland also directs the MIDFIELD project, which compiles student data from multiple universities in a common format to study student pathways. Date: January 18-19, 2018 Time: 8:30-4:30 Location: Jackson Avenue Center

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