Faculty and Student Publications
Sexual Attitudes and Characteristics of OnlyFans Users, Stacey Diane Arañez Litam, Megan Speciale, and Richard S. Balkin
Digital curation and complex decision making: A school district’s literacy initiative, Sue Ann Sharma and Mark Edward Deschaine
Assessing Bayesian Racism Scale: Measuring Endorsement of Racial Stereotypes, Stacey Diane Arañez Litam and Richard S. Balkin
Combining like Terms: A qualitative meta-synthesis of algebra i interventions in mathematics and special education, Rebecca A. Dibbs, Brittany L. Hott, Amelia Martin, Leslie Raymond, and Taylor Kline
Where do latinas and latinos earn social science doctorates?, Frank Fernandez
The impact of mindfulness-based yoga interventions on fifth-grade students’ perceived stress and anxiety, Alicia Cooper Stapp and Ashley Berry Lambert
Investigating Early Childhood Teachers’ Perceptions of a Preschool Yoga Program, Kenya Wolff and Alicia Stapp